Your guide to starting e-commerce email marketing in one week.

Get your first email sales after one week. This is an email marketing framework that worked for 100% of the brands that we’ve worked with in generating sales and increasing profits.

- Save a lot of time and avoid starter mistakes.
- Step by step content creation guides for campaigns & flows.
- 100% success rate & easy to adapt for any brand.

Thousands of hours of experience in one email marketing guide.

No need for expensive freelancers or marketing agencies - use our guide to build your email marketing strategy.


Learn how to grow your audience.

Skip months of testing and start with the best option today. Pop-ups can be interesting and work wonders.


Easily setup your automation flows.

Setup most important flows (with examples) - Welcome automation, Abandoned cart automation & Thank you automation.


Start sending great newsletter campaigns.

Learn how to create newsletters that sell and your audience can enjoy. Also, how to avoid going to spam.

What's included?

Table of contents - how to:

⚫️ Choose an email platform & integrate it with your store.
⚫️ Grow your audience and collect emails with pop-ups effectively.
⚫️ Set up some basic technical stuff for great open rates and avoid going to spam.
⚫️ Create your first email template & set the design style (+40 campaign ideas).
⚫️ Run your new & existing contacts through the top 3 automation flows that generate most revenue.
⚫️ Start sending periodic email campaigns that your customers would love.
⚫️ Ideas for more complex email flows and extra resources.